Categories: Invisalign

Ways To Help Make Your Invisalign Treatment Successful

Over the last several decades, Invisalign® has become a popular alternative to traditional braces for straightening teeth. However, not everyone is a candidate for the treatment, and your success depends on your compliance with your treatment plan. Here are some of the benefits that the treatment has to offer you over traditional braces and tips to help you get the most out of clear aligners in the least amount of time.

What are the benefits of Invisalign® treatment over traditional braces?

Clear aligners can offer some significant benefits over traditional braces. Here are just a few of them:

  • Aligners are made of clear plastic and are fitted to your teeth, making them almost invisible. They sometimes require small tooth attachments to hold them in place, but even these are less noticeable than traditional braces.
  • Because there are no metal components to irritate the tissues of the mouth, clear aligners can be much more comfortable to wear than traditional braces.
  • Clear aligners are more convenient because they can be removed for eating and oral hygiene, meaning that there are no restrictions on what you can eat.

Another advantage of Invisalign® is that the treatment time is usually less than with traditional braces. However, this is only true if you comply with the treatment requirements.

What can you do to achieve success from Invisalign®?

Here are some tips to help you get the results you want from your Invisalign® treatment and complete it in a timely manner.

Switch out your aligners as soon as you receive your new set

With Invisalign® treatment, you receive a new set of aligners every two weeks. If you switch out the new aligners for the old ones as soon as you receive them, you can keep to the treatment schedule and finish the treatment on time.

Keep your old aligners

While you should start using each new set of aligners as soon as you receive them, do not dispose of the old set right away. If you lose a set of aligners, you can at least use the old ones and maintain the progress you have made.

Keep your aligners in a carrying case

While you wear your aligners most of the day, you do have to take them out when you eat. Keeping them in a carrying case helps prevent you from losing them. However, if you are susceptible to losing the retainer case, make it more visible by decorating it with a lot of bright stickers so that it attracts your attention.

Wear the aligners for the recommended hours per day

You usually have to wear aligners between 20 and 22 hours a day. You will receive instructions about exactly how many hours you have to wear your aligners, but for good results, you have to stick to that schedule as closely as possible. If you do not wear your aligners for the full recommended hours, your treatment will not progress as quickly, which can mean a longer treatment time.

Brush your teeth after eating

During your treatment, you have to take your aligners out any time you eat or drink anything other than plain water. Otherwise, the plastic could become discolored, which negates one of the advantages of Invisalign® treatment. When you are finished eating, you have to brush your teeth. Otherwise, food particles, sugar residues, and acid could become trapped under your aligners and promote tooth decay. If you have a beverage without eating anything, you can just use water to rinse your mouth before placing your aligners back in.

Wait until bedtime to switch out your aligners

While you should switch out your aligners promptly, that does not mean that you have to switch them out the moment you receive them. It is common to experience some discomfort when you first switch your aligners. If you wait to switch them at bedtime, then you can sleep through the initial sensitivity.

Keep up with your appointments

Another advantage of Invisalign® over traditional braces is that it does not require as many orthodontic appointments with your dentist. However, it is really important that you go to every appointment that you do have, rescheduling as soon as possible in case of a conflict.


Invisalign® can be an effective teeth-straightening treatment that offers advantages over traditional braces. However, it does require effort on your part to achieve success.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Miami, FL.

Request an appointment here: or call South Florida Dentistry at (305) 203-4097 for an appointment in our Miami office.

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